Day 29 of 365: New Beginnings

1st Jan. 2013
Sagada Spelunking

Although there were some fireworks, it was overall one of the most quiet NYE celebrations ever!

I'm feeling incredibly fortunate to spend the first day of the year spelunking at Sagada's Sumaguing Cave.

Fueled up this morning with endless rolls and toast. We rented a jeepney to take us on a 3-hour drive to Sagada. We registered and paid the environmental fees and hired a guide to bring us to the caves. The first one we went to was Sumaguing cave. Although I had gone 9 years ago, it felt just as exciting and amazing to be there!

Slippery at first, we made it through the deep part of the cave where we kicked off our shoes and repelled our way through he limestones.


Yes, I was slower than my hubby and the guide but I am proud to have made it. I admit, there were times I didn't think it could go in farther but surprised myself.

Running. Need to do MORE OF IT!

Ended the day with a quick trip to burial cave which we plan on coming back to since it connects to Sumaguing cave (4 hours of spelunking). We will also make sure to wear our bathing suits and have less gear with us.

Dinner was some nice bolognese, Nice hot French Onion Soup au gatin, and more bread rolls.


*Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program.  "Running Like the Wind Blows." or, is for informational and educational purposes only and any use thereof is solely at your own risk  "Running Like the Wind Blows." or and the author bears no responsibility thereof.

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