Day 2: Strength Training

5th Dec. 2012
No Equipment? No problem!

The stars have aligned and now I have access to a gym near campus. The only thing is that it hasn't been used in a really long time.

So tomorrow, I'm brining my own squirt bottle and cleaning supplies. That place is gonna shine!

Also, I should probably also bring my own yoga mat as well. A towel too since the air conditioning is not at its best at the moment.

So here was today's game plan since I plan to start my 365 Bodybuilding program next week (

Still need to work my "full bridges" and flexibility. I should also research or ask the author of this program what the heck bird-dogs are! And how to do an incline push-up.

Here of course is what I actually did.

I figured I express it in collage form. Plus, I get to share what I ate today, more or less. I'm such a sucker for advertising. Nevertheless, it's also pretty healthy stuff.

Warm-up & Cool-down: Spinning
Stretches: Downward-facing dog, other yogarific poses!

Post workout snack (not in collage): Yacult drink and an orange. Yum! I also had some black coffee for breakfast. Couldn't resist.

Here's to an awesome 2nd day! With much running to do later tonight!

Run well, eat well!


*Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program.  "Running Like the Wind Blows." or, is for informational and educational purposes only and any use thereof is solely at your own risk  "Running Like the Wind Blows." or and the author bears no responsibility thereof.

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