Day 12 of 365: Parties & Holidays

15th Dec. 2012
Thank goodness for Veggies!

Today was the 27th Commencement at my Film School. It was a great day such an honor to have worked on two amazing films (one won BEST THESIS).

At the reception they had a lot of things; both fried and somewhat healthy. I just made sure that I'd only have one serving this time rather than my usual two...or three. I was too excited to feel hungry anyhow.

Later that evening the party did not end there. There was much merriment to do and feasting to have as well. We went to Ilaputi, the Asian Fusion Resto my hubby and I had gone to a few days back. As much as I wanted to try something new, I had to have that Beef Mediterranean salad and a half order or the MexCebuano. A little too oily this time around but delicious nevertheless.

The celebration contributes as we made our way to Krispie Kream. So what? A gingerbread man doughnut!

Big deal. Oh, and black coffee too? Fine!

Cause shortly after I power walked with the hubby and my sister and they couldn't keep up with me. Yes, allow me to gloat for a moment. I kept a steady pace and challenged myself to keep at it for as long as I could. There was no way this was just going to be a leisurely stroll! I was going to challenge them as well as myself. Plus, we sprinted. Although, I must admit didn't give t my 100%. I will let loose next time.

Post workout:
•2 pcs white toast with Nutella and Peanut butter

Lots of water today! So proud! What a great day!


*Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program.  "Running Like the Wind Blows." or, is for informational and educational purposes only and any use thereof is solely at your own risk  "Running Like the Wind Blows." or and the author bears no responsibility thereof.

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