Day 13 of 365: Today's Weigh-in

16th Dec. 2012
Starting Weight: 197 lbs.
TODAY's Weigh-in: 186 lbs (-2 lbs loss this week)
Total loss: -11lbs

I know this is good, this is healthy, this is ideal. I just can't help but feel a bit annoyed that my husband (who is even trying to lose weight) loss freakin 5 lbs!

But I'm getting there. Slowly. I've got to eat cleaner. I NEED that balance!

Happy Sunday!


Today, I ate too much. BUT! I ran my last run for PODRUNNER WEEK 1 and next week will be even longer, even more intense intervals. BRING IT!

The festivities have just started and the fatty food keep coming.

I really felt like crap during my run! Maybe it was the excessive amount of Lattes and the fatty food. Yes it was all these things. Tonight's was a validation of it.


To myself and to you, my beloved reader. I AM NOT A QUITTER, any longer.

I CAN RUN, I CAN MEET MY GOAL! So going back to Day 1: FUEL your RUN!

I mean it! I have to make better, cleaner choices.



*Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program.  "Running Like the Wind Blows." or, is for informational and educational purposes only and any use thereof is solely at your own risk  "Running Like the Wind Blows." or and the author bears no responsibility thereof.

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