Day 10 of 365: Same Old Excuses

13th Dec. 2012
When the same old excuses arise...

Try fighting them!

I found myself trying to justify why I couldn't work out well as last night. All due to cramming for that deadline/exam and not having enough sleep which is the case at the moment.

Though I may not go for my "2nd Day to a 5k Run" with the PodRunner program, I will do a quick circuit, 3-exercise routine to get my heart pumping and calories burning.

3 Sets of
☑ 20 Push-ups
☑ :30 sec Planks forward, left side, right side
☑ Russian Twists

Need this especially considering today's naughty and fast oily meal feast (see collage):

I know you see it. The Hershey's Milk Chocolate Almond bar peeking through. Staring at you in the face. And shamefully, I devoured the damn thing!

Only two meals today: breakfast at 10 am after my final and then at 8pm after performance night at school. Dinner with friends. Eating less and eating clean is a challenge. Yes, quite the gap between meals and quite the challenge.

Remember K, you put out what you put no! You will not go to bed without exercising tonight.

Ive been bad. I know. But there was much napping involved in between and much editing to meet the deadline. So not much sleep from last night. None at all actually.

Tomorrow though is going to be better. Back to the swing of things. No more deadlines. No more cramming. Time to get serious.

I really have to mean it.


From Cebu Running.


*Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program.  "Running Like the Wind Blows." or, is for informational and educational purposes only and any use thereof is solely at your own risk  "Running Like the Wind Blows." or and the author bears no responsibility thereof.

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