Day 9 of 365: The Food War

12 Dec. 2012
Just a nibble right doesn't count right?

Think again. It does.

And I won't be surprised if it makes me feel über lethargic tonight.

I know better.

But why do I consume it anyhow? Well, let's start with my schedule for one: starting the day too late. Woke up late, headed out in a hurry. No breakfast. Wow! Doughnut! Nomnomom. Then ate some leftovers.

That's fine until I snacked on some cashews, and McDonald's!

Ugh! Disgusting!

Two: Thinking that working out will compensate. But the truth is I really need to balance that out. It goes hand in hand.


So fine one cheat day is acceptable. But no more cheating!

Got it?
Roger that!
You're a runner now.
Yes I know.
So tomorrow you're going to think about the best way to fuel your run.
Cause just think about those empty calories.
I know...tasted good though.
But remember how awful it makes you feel afterward?
*thinks about it* Yes. Not good.
Then don't EVER FORGET IT!
So about the cheat day...
Only if you make the right food choices throughout the week.
That's fair.
'Atta girl! Knew you'd see it my way!
No worries. Remember to stretch.


On the upside though I can be proud to say I was out running at 12:12 on 12.12.12!

Follow up on late night dinner. Decided to go for some Bibimbap.

...and the food war is not over.


*Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program.  "Running Like the Wind Blows." or, is for informational and educational purposes only and any use thereof is solely at your own risk  "Running Like the Wind Blows." or and the author bears no responsibility thereof.

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