It is because of this book that I am both inspired and motivated to run a marathon. I know that I wanted to get back into shape and I even started this blog, a twitter account, bought a running diary just to motivate me and keep up with it. Well, truth be told, without the right kind of incentive (as if losing weight isn't enough already), I hit a wall. A very large, very thick wall of cookies and ice cream; of late nights in front of the TV and the computer. It was hard to get around that wall and perhaps even harder to knock it down. But I am determined to do so. It will be my saving grace once done.
At this very moment, it is official! I am now registered with the California International Marathon. It falls on a Sunday, December 4th, 2011. I won't lie, I'm a bit nervous and terrified. But I am determined! Just so that I won't just jump into it, I am preparing myself with mini-races. First, a 5k then a 10k. It's quite an ambitious feat but I am ready to train bloody hard to finish these races.
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