Date: 2.28.2011
This week's total weight loss: 1.5 lbs

It's not a big deal really. Pshhh! 1.5 lbs that's water weight right? Wrong! Not for me that isn't that's a whole week of trying to consume just the right amount of calories, working out and most especially, RUNNING. Yes, actually running. Though my training, I feel is slow I still feel happy and proud that I am making this initiative. Granted, this weekend I may have over-indulged a bit but this week I'm going to be "good" health depends on it
Although, I won't be participating in the coming 5K at Bidwell on March 5th (which was my goal), that just means that I now need to focus and prep myself for the one in April. I need to keep going.
Will beat 109,472 times, pump 1,606 gallons of blood, and push that blood nearly 14,364 miles throughout my body!
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