Day 17 of 365: Friends and Food

20th Dec. 2012
Reunion Time...that also means food time!

So I had a wonderful evening with my fantastic friends from high school when it occurred to me, I need a routine.

No really, I NEED A ROUTINE!

The hubby and I had a late breakfast and I mean LATE. And yes, it was because of me. Having woken up at 11am I pretty much lounged about and was only ready to go at around 3pm.

Honestly, I need a routine and here's why:

1. A routine keeps you on track with meals. That means your glucose doesn't affect you which also means you turn into a beast by the time you realize how hungry you are. Plus, you don't overeat.

2. You don't feel lost or confused in what to do that day. Yes, that included exercise in the equation.

Speaking of which...

3. A routine also means having schedules a work out in your day.

Today we walked to and fro our destinations and it was great. We also saved a whole lot of money because we didn't pay for a cab.

4. A routine keeps you in check and on track regardless of whether or not you're on vacation.


*Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program.  "Running Like the Wind Blows." or, is for informational and educational purposes only and any use thereof is solely at your own risk  "Running Like the Wind Blows." or and the author bears no responsibility thereof.

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