Unfortunately, I hit a really big wall. I call it the "Running Wall" because it's the only thing that's keeping me from running again. I've been diligent only weight training which has brought amazing results but since my 5k I decided to take a break and allow my knee to heal. Now 3 weeks later, I am pain free but I've developed a kind of running anxiety. The kind that makes me think the knee pain will come back if I run again. The kind that does not motivate me. The kind that has weakened me and makes me think I have failed...myself.
I have come so far to start over but also, I feel as though I am falling behind on the plan I set up for myself. So this evening, I found an app by Runner's World called SMART COACH. You enter your information and it generates a training plan for you. The plan seems realistic enough and I am relieved in a way. I was dreading the thought of going from 0 miles to an immediate 8 miles after such a long time of taking time off. Talk about injury! This is a good RESTART. Now it's time to get some shut-eye.

Here's to not giving up!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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