2nd March 2013
I bought a new pair of running shoes when my sister signed us up at the gym on the 21st of Jan. I only now have broken them in and they feel fine.

Not as great as my Brooks though I have to say.

Wow, 80 days into the challenge and talk about inconsistencies! Yes, I have to say I am disappointed in myself. I kind of had a good start but you know something, I have to accept the fact that I will relapse. A change of habit DOES NOT happen over night.
Speaking of which, my eating habits have become a bit...how do I put it? Poor/lazy/careless. All to describe one thing: you guessed it, FAST FOOD. It is more expensive to eat out and you definitely feel the crappiness of it all after a week or two. I'm ending this fastfood fling and eating better. You know you need to when your body craves certain foods like, oh I don't know, produce!
Last month was yes, fast food month. Due to the projects I've been working on, it was accessible and came in excess.
So thankfully to this month's challenge via sparkpeople.com I'm starting March off right and going to challenge myself to "Steak into Spring" and keep the streak going so I can continue with my marathon training and body building.
(Feel Better and Get Fitter by Spring!)
"For the next 20 days, make a point to fit at least 10 minutes of exercise into your day, and keep the steak fling up until the end of Winter, etc...using the hashtag #streakintospring to stay accountable..."
It's going to be great! I feel really good after having walked 45 minutes tonight. It's hard sometimes to begin but once I'm warmed up, I just keep going.
Thought for tonight:
Don't look back on what you didn't do. Focus on what's to come and the NOW.
*Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program. "Running Like the Wind Blows." or twitter.com/RunnerKE25, is for informational and educational purposes only and any use thereof is solely at your own risk "Running Like the Wind Blows." or twitter.com/RunnerKE25 and the author bears no responsibility thereof.
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