After a hearty brunch at Mom's Breakfast & Lunch restaurant in Downtown Chico I headed over to Fleet Feet to pick up my packet for the Half Marathon Almond Bowl Race which is tomorrow, November 6, 2011. There was a bit of confusion regarding my registration. This time however, it was not so much that I registered for the wrong race but in my horror of horrors, I was not registered at all! This is probably the last time I will ever send anything via snail mail. After to speaking to the coordinators I was given my bib, my shirt, and other goodies.

While my knee pain has finally healed, my only concern now are shin splints. After doing some research and asking around on how to prevent this I found that compression socks was a quick and simple solution. So I went ahead and bought a pair while I was at Fleet Feet.
I'm very excited about the race and to prepare myself I am going to:
- Hydrate
- Eat well and have lots of whole wheat (carbs) for energy
- Sleep early
- Stretch and
- Warm up really
Hitting the big numbers now!
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