Total Run Time: 7 minutes 4 seconds
Distance: 0.5 miles
When: Lunch Break
Where: Gym
Speed: 4.0 - 4.5 mph

Once again, today's run was a bit rough for me. I honestly wanted to skip it and feed my face instead. But a sudden rush of adrenaline came over me and I decided to hit that treadmill with full force! Perhaps I should have eased into it but I was suddenly feeling great...until the .30th mile. Phew! I was getting tired! Though, still proud of the fact that I had gone that long at 4.4 mph.
Started with a good 5-min warm-up, stretch, cool-down and a really, really good stretch afterward. Lasted a little (very little) over 7-mins again and I'd like to thank my music for that. What I learned from tonight's run is that I run better with music however, without it I am able to concentrate on my breathing just as Monday's run.
I can do this!
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